Why does my cat eat my hair ?

why does my cat eat my hair ? or why does my cat lick my hair ? This is what we will answer in the following lines

 why does my cat eat my hair ?

One day you may see a dog eating strange things, but not cats.

why does my cat eat my hair
why does my cat eat my hair ?

 However, some cats have the habit of eating human hair.At first glance, we see this as very strange. But we will try to understand the reasons for this habit together and analyze its causes.

why does my cat lick my hair ?

or why does my cat eat my hair ? the reasons are summarized in the following.

·       Simply the cat is playing

·       Show affection

·       Ask for attention

·       The cat feels stressed

·       Health reasons or even nutritional reasons

·       The smell of hair products.

·       Early weaning

·       The cat wants to wake you up

These are the reasons,for yout question

 let us explain them in some details:

1.   Simply the cat is playing.

Cat games are always related to exercising their instinctive hunting skills, which makes them aware of your hair, especially if it is styled in a flowing style that is very tempting for the cat to practice these skills.

Note that a cat chewing on your hair is often safe. But always encourage cats to play with safe cat toys. Designed for this purpose.

2.   Show affection.

Note that every cat and kitten within the same cat family gets closer to each other through similar actions, which strengthens their relationships.

 So simply, if a cat eats your hair, you must understand that this is evidence of affection and a show of love. In other words, if your cat eats or chews your hair, this means that she likes you.

3.   Ask for attention.

The cat may attack your hair or chew it just to get your attention, and to prevent the cat from repeating this behavior, just ignore it when the cat attacks your hair. Until the cat learns that this behavior will not be useful.

4.   The cat feels stressed.

Chewing cat to your hair is annoying, whatever the reason, but this reason is more serious than the previous reasons.

because this reason expresses  a problem in the cat. If the cause is that the cat's  feeling of stress, you should note that stress in cats often leads to urinary tract problems, aggression problems, or even over  grooming, which is considered a type of distraction therapy.

 If the cat starts practicing this behavior after being exposed to a stressful event,and The cat showed other signs of stress, so it is necessary to talk to the veterinarian and ask for help.

5.   Health reasons or even nutritional reasons.

This reason is very rare. In a few cases, if your cat is used to eat your hair, it may be due to a health problem or even a nutritional deficiency. Which causes an increase in appetite in situations such as hyperthyroidism, neurological disease, or pica . These conditions may lead to this, but the cat must show signs of eating other inedible things, not just chewing hair. In this case, you should visit the vet.

6.   The smell of hair products.

If you have recently washed your hair. Your cat may love the smells of the hair care products you use.

7.   Early weaning.

Strange behaviors, such as sucking wool and chewing hair, may be caused by early weaning of the cat when it was young.

Studies have shown that kittens need to stay with their mothers for twelve weeks, or at least eight weeks. So that the cat does not feel developmental and behavioral disorders that lead it to such behavior.

8.   The cat wants to wake you up.

If the question that puzzles you is. why does my cat eat my hair while i'm sleeping ?

I'll tell you that she's probably just trying to wake you up.

what happens if cats eat hair?

The cat may swallow some of the excess hair, which may cause constipation, hairballs, or even bowel  obstruction.

So, the team of the Cats Protection Tools site advises you to prevent cats from doing this behavior.

Tips to help you to stop it .

1.   You must make sure that there is no health or psychological reason for this behavior in the cat.  With the help of a veterinarian.

2.   We advise you not to yell at the cat.

3.   just stay away from the cat.

4.   distract the cat with some games and rewards.

5.   It is recommended to try changing hair products to those that contain a citrus scent, which may be useful sometimes, as many cats do not like this smell.

Always remember that the cat does this because it sees you as one of its family members.So If you enjoy it "and you are certain that it does not swallow your hair", then there is no harm in having fun with your little friend.❤


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