why do cats hate water ?
Why do cats
hate water?
1. Water makes the cat heavier.
2. A history of cats in evolution.
3. The smells of chemicals added to water, such as chlorine or fluoride.
4. The fur needs time to dry.
5. Bad previous experiences.
6. The cat’s control decreases when it is wet or on wet ground.
7. Cats trust their saliva for cleaning.
These are the reasons to explain, why do cats not like water .
Now let us
explain these reasons in detail for,
why do cats not like water
1. Water makes the cat heavier.
Imagine that you entered an Olympic swimming race wearing all your wet winter clothes. Cats see it this way.
When its fur
gets wet, the cat feels heavy and cannot move as lightly and gracefully as it
likes and is accustomed to. Of course, this is an undesirable feeling for these
agile, flexible creatures.
2. A history of cats in evolution.
There is
nothing in the background of cats that prompts them to interact with bodies of
water at all. The ancestors of cats lived on land.
Despite cats known love for the taste of fish,
we have never seen a cat crossing a river or diving into an ocean to get a
Imagine a cat with wet fur, slow moving in
water, trying to catch a fast fish in its natural environment.
Cats do not have to do that, as their food is
diverse and available on land, and nothing in the past of their ancestors
prepared them to deal with water.
3. The smells of chemicals added to water, such as chlorine or fluoride.
Smell is the
strongest sense in cats. They have a sense of smell that is approximately 100
times stronger than what we humans have. According to what some scientists say.
cats can smell chemicals with their sensitive
nose. This is enough to deter the cat, which loves to keep its body clean, from
covering its body with water.
The fur needs time to dry.
We know that the fur needs time to dry after bathing, which makes them unhappy.
Also, wet fur makes the cat feel cold! Didn't you know this?
5. Bad previous experience.
Some cats
have had a bad experience with a bathtub when they were babies. Or her fur got
wet before. Sometimes this is why cats hate water.
Since diving into the water was a stressful
experience the first time, it is natural for the cat to hate water in adulthood.
6. The cat’s control decreases when it is wet or on wet ground.
The cat plays
happily with drops falling from a faucet within reach or even approaches the
water to dip its claws in, As long as its fur does not get wet and it does not
stand on wet ground, this will not deprive it of control of the situation. It
still stands safely on dry ground and can easily escape in anytime.
But being on a wet, slippery ground or getting
its fur wet is the problem for the cat Which makes the cat feel weak and unable
to protect itself.
7. Cats trust their saliva for cleaning.
Science has proven that cat saliva is a powerful sterilizer and cleaner, and cats know this and love cleanliness so much so that they spend half their day cleaning themselves.
When you try
to clean the cat with water and shampoo, you are creating more work for her to
have to clean itself again and restore to its fur the natural oils that you
Because the
cat simply prefers to bathe itself.
Do all cats in the world hate water ?
These are the
reasons why most cats hate water. But as we know with any rule, there are
exceptions, and some cats realy do love water.
For example
Turkish van
One of the
most obvious examples of this is the Turkish Van cat breed. Their waterproof
fur makes them enjoy swimming.
Which makes many owners look for cat baths so
they can enjoy swimming. This type of cat has rightfully earned the nickname
"swimming cat".
Maine Coon
Its water-resistant fur makes it not hesitate to splash water at any time and at every opportunity.
It has even
been used since ancient times to combat pests in sailboats.
She also loves water. Your Abyssinian cat will willingly dip her feet in the water in the bathtub.
Tips for when
you should bathe your cat.
We recommend that you do not bathe your cat unless it is necessary, because most cats are highly sensitive. If you are bathing your cat for medical reasons or an emergency, use these tips to make it less stressful.
.Traditional bath
Fill the
bathtub first, as the sound and splash of water makes it more complicated.
Spread a towel at the bottom of the bathtub to
make the cat feel in control of his feet and reduce the feeling of slipping.
Use a
suitable bowl to carefully pour water on the cat, and do not use the tap
The most
important tip: be very careful around the face and eyes !!!!!!
Bath without
If your cat
can't, you can try pet-safe wipes, dry shampoo, or foam to gently massage your
cat's fur. Then remove the soap residue with a towel.
This won't get your cat as clean as a bath
with water, but it can be helpful in some situations.
note: Use a product labeled for bathing cats. So that the cat does not swallow
anything harmful when she bathes herself after.